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Body In Tune!

The book focuses on the body as an intelligent, compassionate co-creator in your life and a potent gift for greater expression and satisfaction.

Did you know:

Self observation profoundly changes the way your brain acts?

Your body knows its purpose in life isn't only physical?

Your body is an intelligent co-creator in your life, designed

to interface with your higher wisdom?

Compassion is an anti-inflammatory?


Gretchen Johnson


Gretchen Johnson is a singer, actress, coach and author. During a performing career spanning more than 30 years, she has performed traditional works as well as premiered many musical works written specifically

for her.


Gretchen is a certified trainer in the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® and uses this as a mechanism

to transform lives. This book encompasses a lifetime

of learning through song, fear, strength and love.

Body in Tune.

Get yours today!

Body In Tune  contains common sense tools and techniques to spur your own capacity for change when you engage yourself at the quantum level of interconnection with all creation to encourage all of us to be causative to our world minute by minute and second by second.



One of my life’s goals has been sharing a common sense approach to health and well-being. As I continue on my creative path, I’m happy to welcome Gretchen and “Body In Tune” as a fellow traveler.



Hazel Williams Carter, C.Ht. RRT

Juliu Horvath, GYROTONIC® Method Creator and Founder

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